
In this section you can read our most recent pānui by clicking below, or use the filters to find older pānui. These newsletters are full of stories, resources and events that are relevant to schools who are redeveloping, new or interested in this space.


Tēnā aro mai ki tēnei taunga o mātou hei pānui i ngā putanga hou me ngā mea tawhito nō Pānui, mā te pāwhiri ki raro iho nei ki te rapunga rānei kia kite atu i tāu e kimi ai. E whai ana ko ngā karere pānui


A Tārai Kura online event on 7 June, 4 – 5:45pm. Inclusive design: Creating spaces that work for all learners.

October 30, 2022